Introducing ASC’s new mentorship program!

The biggest benefits of being part of the Association of Science Communicators come from the networking and mentorship opportunities. And now we are making it formal!
We are looking for mid- and late-career professional science communicators of all kinds to be mentors and early-career SciCommers of all kinds to be mentees.
For our inaugural year we are accepting only 10 pairs. We will connect people according to skills and interests. Participants should expect to devote 1-2 hours a month minimum working together on anything they want. The $25 fee for mentees is waived for ASC Members, and all participants get discounted conference fees for Science Talk ‘25 in Durham, North Carolina. You will also have an opportunity to share your experience on a panel at Science Talk ‘25.
The program starts in September 2024!
We are accepting applications through the month of July. So, don’t hesitate – Submit an application today!
Early-career Mentee Application:
Mentor Application:
The field of science communication is growing rapidly. Many early-career professionals from a variety of backgrounds (e.g., bench or field science, journalism, art, social science) are interested in exploring science communication careers. While there are some training programs available, there is a lack of personalized mentoring for these junior science communicators. To fill this gap, we are building a mentoring program for early-career science communicators with the expectation to scale up in future years.
Mentors provide critical career guidance, feedback, and access to professional networks, helping increase mentee confidence and success. In turn, serving as a mentor can help veteran science communicators reflect on their career journeys and reinvigorate them as they help the next generation succeed.
This is a 6-month program looking to match 10 mentor/mentee pairs. We will solicit applications for mentors and mentees, then match up the pairs based on interests & experience (for example, a podcaster matched with a mentee interested in podcasting).
Mentor/mentee pairs will meet for at least one hour/month (phone/video), with additional communication as agreed on by each pair. ASC will provide topic suggestions for monthly meetings while still allowing freedom for each pair to direct the conversation to meet their needs. Topics may include discussing the mentee’s goals, reviewing the mentee’s resume, or LinkedIn profile, or offering feedback on a story pitch or other pieces. We expect that most pairs will spend 2-3 hours per month on this relationship.
We will also hold two virtual meetings with the entire cohort to allow for greater networking and build a community of practice. These meetings will include a brief presentation by a mentor and/or ASC leader, followed by small-group discussion and networking.
The program is free to mentees who are ASC members, and non-members pay a nominal fee ($25). At this time we don’t have the funds to compensate mentors (If your organization wants to sponsor our mentorship program, contact However, mentors and mentees will receive a discount to attend Science Talk ’25, which is April 3-4, 2025 in Raleigh, NC (which is also offered in a hybrid format).
Mentor/mentee pairs will have the opportunity to present posters about the experience and all cohort participants will be invited to a networking lunch specific for mentoring program participants. We also plan to host a panel with mentor and mentee representatives, likely using a virtual format to maximize participation. In addition, at the beginning of the cohort term mentees will each interview their mentor and write a post for the ASC blog showcasing their mentor’s career path and advice. At the end of the cohort term, mentors will interview their mentees and write a post to highlight the mentee’s growth.
We look forward to many years of ASC mentorship growth. Let’s build this professional community together.